Last November I ran my first race. It was a bittersweet day. Bitter because it was the day I should have given birth to a child that I miscarried in my tenth week months and months before. Sweet because it was a step I'd taken to making my life my own again-- something I'd wrestled with for well.... months and months.
But a beautiful thing happened on the trail. It was only a 5K -- a perfect length for a beginner-- but it gave me about 30 minutes with crisp air in my lungs, lovely scenery for my enjoyment and a mp3 list in my ears to just be with myself. I made the goal that day that I would live my life each day with intention rather than letting days and days slip by. Part of my intention was faith based... as most lives of intention are. But part of it was me-based. I needed to reclaim myself-- the girl I was when I didn't live in fear of not-getting pregnant ever again or worse, getting pregnant and losing yet another baby.
Part of my intention based life is to move with purpose. Thus the goal to compete in a sprint triathlon was born. Below is the information that I'll be using to base my workouts for the next six months to ready myself for this race.
If anyone in cyber-space is out there and reading this blog, I'd love a little advice along this journey. I've run a race now and can swim and have biked medium length rides so I know I can do this, but if anyone has real life experience I'd love to know it!!
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