Happy 2009!
I have always loved Loved LOVED resolutions! I love them so much in fact that I generally decide to "change my life for the better" twice a year. This happens at the true New Year on Jan. 1 and the other major "new year" time in the calendar-- Sept. 1.... As a past teacher, this day always excites me just as much as the real new years.
Anyhoo, this time around I have decided to do the following with my life:
1. Find joy in each day.
2. Relax-- there is nothing that I need to be SO uptight about.
3. Move and Eat with purpose.
What???!!! ONLY 3 measly resolutions you say??? Well, hee hee, these do open themselves up to much more in the sub-resolution category. Yes, I like sub-resolutions myself very much.
So here they are in more detail:
1. Finding joy
a. spend quiet time in the morning-- before the house wakes up doing something to better myself and my faith
1. This will begin with the Christian study Believing God by Beth Moore (no, I STILL haven't bought the books but as soon as I see Stephanie we'll sit in front of Amazon.com and she'll show me what to buy)
b. Journal and in that space, write down something or three things that made me happy in that day
c. Allow indulgences occasionally-- McDonald's Coffee with three creams and a xyletol-- trip to Goodwill while Aaliyah is in preschool just to treasure hunt
2. Relax
a. Laugh at life's mishaps more
b. Actively parent
1. get Aaliyah to sleep by herself EVERY night around 8:00 pm
2. get Aaliyah to nap every day
3. spend time with Aaliyah doing crafts, working on reading readiness and good-old-fashioned-playtime
c. Spend more time with friends be it my "people" (you know who you are!) or my activity groups
d. Start setting aside time to do things for the pure enjoyment of it-- stitch and bitch night, baking bread, getting good at knitting etc.
3. Move and Eat with Purpose
a. Train for the Sprint Triathlon
b. Keep up with the sugar-free-ish, lots of veggies (24 oz. of v-8 a day), fiber (five prunes a day)
c. Take vitamins (keep taking vitamins)
d. Drink water!
e. Keep up the cooking dinner each night.
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