Sunday, July 31, 2011

Nearly 31 weeks and home alone...

This weekend I shipped my dear family out to Chicago for one last pre-chemo visit to Aami Jaan.  These last 30 weeks have been a whirlwind.  Aami Jaan has been in and out of the dr. office and hospital since May with a diagnosis of breast cancer and a left only radical mastectomy.  She is healed now and will begin Chemotherapy this week.  The family has rallied and she has been well taken care of so far.  They made a schedule of post-chemo care beginning with AamiJaan's sister and followed by Baba.  He will be gone from August 16-21... including his birthday :( .  The next 4 sessions will be completed by other family members.  On top of this, I just finished camp last Friday ending a three week intense session organizing 21 campers, 3 teachers, 5 counselors and my family.  It was fun!  I had a great camp!  But I ended up firing one counselor two days before the end... Miserable.  And I have officially hit 30 weeks as of last Wednesday beginning my travel restriction making me stay within one hours travel to a Level 3 NICU just in case miracle baby #3 decides to enter the world early (like Aapi) or quickly (like Babu).  Tomorrow (inshAllah) begins Ramadan and with only Shabbar fasting inside the house, it'll prove difficult I am sure.  The days are long and hot....  and the rest of us are either too young or pregnant making fasting not only not required but not accepted.  Perhaps we'll get up for Zaahari each morning to see him off.  SOOO many things going on right now. 

This weekend I was by myself-- it was nice but I was lonely.  I realized I only lived in our bedroom for most of it- haha!  I really like my bed.  I read, I watched hulu, I slept, I ate...  all from the comfort of my cozy spot.  I did venture out each day-- to the farmer's market yesterday and to goodwill/ big lots today.  And I need to get into Mama-mode again as my lovelies will be with me again at some point (all I know is that it'll be at least 4 more hours). 

Time to menu plan again.  Time to declutter.  Time to prepare for miracle baby #3. 

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