What a perfect time of year to get organized! This is April in Wisconsin and we vasilate each day between rain, snow (yuck!), and sunny 60 degree days. The days I can be outside, I am... just yesterday Baba and I spent our lunch hour constructing a green house for our seedlings... but today Babu and I are stuck inside watching the rain and wind sweep over the land. (at least the lawn will finally green up!)
Today was the perfect day to focus a little more on this latest gem I found! It is the 30-Day Organize-athon sent out by the Get Organized Wizard. I receive a daily email that provides 5 minute organizing challenges. This challenge has staightened out my dresser drawers, closets, goals, and paperwork just to name a few. And all could be done in 5 minutes I wasn't getting into the spirit and spending more time on each task. She gives us permission to toss or donate items and lets face it... I sometimes need permission to do that!
Follow the link above, give this challenge a try and then when you have time, find out all the other wonderful freebies that this site offers! There are lots of goodies there!
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